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Monday, May 6, 2024

How to Be consisten: The Ultimate Guide to Consistency for Goal-Getters

Wondering why you never see any results? Why don't you seem to see any improvement in any of your habits? Or why is it so hard for you to achieve your goals?

I’m pretty sure the answer is consistency!

But what does that even mean?

When you set your goals or start new habits, you do it because you are motivated to to them. You are happy and excited to start a new lifestyle, but midway you either lose motivation or you just forget about it. I understand life gets in the way of a lot of things that you probably would like to accomplish.

Other times we just lose motivation because we don’t see results right away or we miss one or two days and we get discouraged.

What do I do then?

The key here is consistency, it is hard and different for everyone. There can be many internal and external factors that affect you that makes it hard for you to be consistent like:

  • Lack of clear goals
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • External or internal pressures
  • Lack of motivation
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Fear.

The list can go on. Sometimes it can be hard to actually accept and deal with these issues that are holding us back.

Regardless of the reasons you struggle to be consistent in your habits, I created the following list of some tips that can help you be more consistent and actually achieve your goals.

1.- Start small: Begin with a manageable and simple task so you don’t overwhelm yourself. Once you manage to keep this new task, you can start gradually incrementing the complexity or number of new tasks or habits.

2.- Set a clear but realistic goal: If you have a big goal, break it in to smaller achievable goals that you can actually see some results in a shorter period of time. That way you are strengthening your consistency to actually achieve that main goal and you won’t lose motivation

3.- Establish a routine: Incorporating the new habit into an existing one. That way you won’t require extra time, in case you don’t have it and it would be easier to actually do it and you won’t forget about it.

4. Create Reminders: Use alarms, calendar notifications, or apps to remind you of your new habit. These reminders will reinforce the behavior until it becomes natural to you.

5.- Track your progress: You can use a app on your phone or you can keep a journal. It does not need to be fancy. The important thing is that you can track your progress.

You can start by writing down the day you actually did that new habit and which day you didn’t and the reason. This will give you a better idea of your consistency, that will provide motivation and can also help you work on the reasons you couldn’t do it.

6.- Adaptability: Be flexible and willing to adjust your approach. Don’t get discouraged because you will do it in the morning but for whatever reason you couldn’t do it. Be willing to change the schedule of when to do it. There are different factors that we can not control that can get in our way, just remember you can always adapt to it.

7.- Have a supportive environment: Surround yourself with people who are willing to support you instead of putting you down. You can share your goals with a friend or family member that can provide you with support and encouragement.

8.-Prioritize time management: Try to set a specific schedule for the new habit. If you can treat it as a non-negotiable, like any other important commitment you have. But, as I mentioned previously, if you need to adapt to changing the time on a specific day, it’s okay. Just make sure you actually do it by the end of the day.

Remember, building consistency takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself, stay focused on your goals, and make adjustments along the way to ensure long-term success. Don’t forget to celebrate every milestone you have. No achievement is too small to celebrate,

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